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Elf comes with a CLI that enables a fast and easy setup of your store. It offers the following commands:


$ npx @ngneat/elf-cli install

Using the above command, you can choose which packages to install. Your package manager will be detected and used for installation.


$ npx @ngneat/elf-cli repo
$ npx @ngneat/elf-cli repo --dry-run

Using the above command, you can create a repository file. All the boilerplate will be created for you based on which features you select.


You can set the configuration by providing the package.json file:

"elf": {
"cli": {
"repoTemplate": "class",
"inlineStoreInClass": true,
"idKey": "_id",
"repoLibrary": "state",
"plugins": []


By default, the repository file generates exported functions. If you prefer to use a class, for instance, when working with Angular, you can set this option to class.


By default, a store is created outside of the class. If you prefer creating the store inside a class you can set this option to true or withoutConstructor. It might be helpful when you create a component store or you want to set the initial value to the store given via Angular DI (Works only with repoTemplate set as class).


The default idKey for the package @ngneat/elf-entities is id. By setting this option, you can change it globally.


The repository file is created by default at the root path you specify (i.e., flat). If you set this option, you can specify the directory you want.


Specify which plugins you want to use.


Install the package, and add the following code:

"elf": {
"cli": {
"repoTemplate": "class",
"plugins": ["@ngneat/elf-cli-ng"]

The plugin will add the Injectable decorator to the repository class.


A fuzzy file/directory search and selection prompt. It can be configured as follows:

module.exports = {
cli: {
fuzzypath: {
rootPath: // defaults to process.cwd()
excludePath(path) {
// defaults to path.includes('node_modules')
excludeFilter(path) {
// defaults to path.includes('.');