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UI Entities

This feature allows the store to hold UI-specific entity data, for instance, whether the user has opened the card representing an entity. When used in conjunction with withEntities this can be used to store additional UI data separately from the entities themselves.

import { createStore } from '@ngneat/elf';
import { withEntities, withUIEntities } from '@ngneat/elf-entities';

interface TodoUI {
id: number;
open: boolean;
interface Todo {
id: number;
name: string;

const todosStore = createStore(
{ name: 'todos' },

The usage is similar to that of entities - you can use the same selectors and mutations, with the addition of passing the UIEntitiesRef ref in the method's options parameter, e.g.:

import { addEntities, UIEntitiesRef, selectEntity } from '@ngneat/elf-entities';

addEntities({ id: 1, name: 'foo' }),
addEntities({ id: 1, open: true }, { ref: UIEntitiesRef })

uiEntity$ = todosStore.pipe(selectEntity(1, { ref: UIEntitiesRef }));

We can use the unionEntities() or unionEntitiesAsMap() operator to get a combination of the entities and their corresponding UIEntities:

import {
} from '@ngneat/elf-entities';

todos$ = todosStore
entities: todosStore.pipe(selectAllEntities()),
UIEntities: todosStore.pipe(selectEntities({ ref: UIEntitiesRef })),

You can also pass a different idKey: unionEntities('_id').