Events API

Each one of the events can accept a SpectatorElement which can be one of the following:

type SpectatorElement = string | Element | DebugElement | ElementRef | Window | Document;

If not provided, the default element will be the host element of the component under test.

  • click() - Triggers a click event:;'Element'));
  • blur() - Triggers a blur event:
  • focus() - Triggers a focus event:
  • typeInElement() - Simulating the user typing:
spectator.typeInElement(value, SpectatorElement);
  • dispatchMouseEvent() - Triggers a mouse event:
spectator.dispatchMouseEvent(SpectatorElement, 'mouseout');
spectator.dispatchMouseEvent(SpectatorElement, 'mouseout', x, y, event);
  • dispatchKeyboardEvent() - Triggers a keyboard event:
spectator.dispatchKeyboardEvent(SpectatorElement, 'keyup', 'Escape');
spectator.dispatchKeyboardEvent(SpectatorElement, 'keyup', { key: 'Escape', keyCode: 27 })
  • dispatchTouchEvent() - Triggers a touch event:
spectator.dispatchTouchEvent(SpectatorElement, type, x, y);

Custom Events

You can trigger custom events (@Output() of child components) using the following method:

spectator.triggerEventHandler(MyChildComponent, 'myCustomEvent', 'eventValue');
spectator.triggerEventHandler(MyChildComponent, 'myCustomEvent', 'eventValue', { root: true});
spectator.triggerEventHandler('app-child-component', 'myCustomEvent', 'eventValue');
spectator.triggerEventHandler('app-child-component', 'myCustomEvent', 'eventValue', { root: true});

Event Creators

In case you want to test events independently of any template (e.g. in presenter services) you can fallback on the underlying event creators. They are basically providing the same signature without the preceding element.

const keyboardEvent = createKeyboardEvent('keyup', 'ArrowDown'/*, targetElement */);
const mouseEvent = createMouseEvent('mouseout');
const touchEvent = createTouchEvent('touchmove');
const fakeEvent = createFakeEvent('input');