Testing Services

The following example shows how to test a service with Spectator:

import { createServiceFactory, SpectatorService } from '@ngneat/spectator';
import { AuthService } from 'auth.service.ts';
describe('AuthService', () => {
let spectator: SpectatorService<AuthService>;
const createService = createServiceFactory(AuthService);
beforeEach(() => spectator = createService());
it('should not be logged in', () => {

The createService() function returns SpectatorService with the following properties:

  • service - Get an instance of the service
  • inject() - A proxy for Angular TestBed.inject()

Additional Options

It's also possible to pass an object with options. For example, when testing a service you often want to mock its dependencies, as we focus on the service being tested.

For example:

export class AuthService {
constructor( private dateService: DateService {}
isLoggedIn() {
if( this.dateService.isExpired('timestamp') ) {
return false;
return true;

In this case we can mock the DateService dependency.

import { createServiceFactory } from '@ngneat/spectator';
import { AuthService } from 'auth.service.ts';
describe('AuthService', () => {
let spectator: SpectatorService<AuthService>;
const createService = createServiceFactory({
service: AuthService,
providers: [],
entryComponents: [],
mocks: [DateService]
beforeEach(() => spectator = createService());
it('should be logged in', () => {
const dateService = spectator.inject(DateService);