Testing Pipes

The following example shows how to test a pipe with Spectator:

import { SpectatorPipe, createPipeFactory } from '@ngneat/spectator';
import { StatsService } from './stats.service';
import { SumPipe } from './sum.pipe';
describe('SumPipe', () => {
let spectator: SpectatorPipe<SumPipe>;
const createPipe = createPipeFactory(SumPipe);
it('should sum up the given list of numbers (template)', () => {
spectator = createPipe(`{{ [1, 2, 3] | sum }}`);
it('should sum up the given list of numbers (prop)', () => {
spectator = createPipe(`{{ prop | sum }}`, {
hostProps: {
prop: [1, 2, 3]
it('should delegate the summation to the service', () => {
const sum = () => 42;
const provider = { provide: StatsService, useValue: { sum } };
spectator = createPipe(`{{ prop | sum }}`, {
hostProps: {
prop: [2, 40]
providers: [provider]

The createPipe() function returns SpectatorPipe with the following properties:

  • hostComponent - Instance of the host component
  • debugElement - The debug element of the fixture around the host component
  • element - The native element of the host component
  • detectChanges() - A proxy for Angular TestBed.fixture.detectChanges()
  • inject() - A proxy for Angular TestBed.inject()

Setting factory defaults

It is possible to set a default template when creating the factory. Here is an example:

import { SpectatorPipe, createPipeFactory } from '@ngneat/spectator';
import { AlternatingSumPipe } from './alternating-sum.pipe';
describe('AlternatingSumPipe', () => {
let spectator: SpectatorPipe<AlternatingSumPipe>;
const createPipe = createPipeFactory({
pipe: AlternatingSumPipe,
template: `{{ prop | alternatingSum }}`
it('should compute the alternating sum of a given list of numbers (prop)', () => {
spectator = createPipe({
hostProps: {
prop: [1, 2, 3]

Using Custom Host Component

The following example illustrates how to test a pipe using a custom host component:

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { SpectatorPipe, createPipeFactory } from '@ngneat/spectator';
import { AveragePipe } from './average.pipe';
import { StatsService } from './stats.service';
template: `<div>{{ prop | avg }}</div>`
class CustomHostComponent {
@Input() public prop: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
describe('AveragePipe', () => {
let spectator: SpectatorPipe<AveragePipe>;
const createPipe = createPipeFactory({
pipe: AveragePipe,
host: CustomHostComponent
it('should compute the average of a given list of numbers', () => {
spectator = createPipe();
it('should result to 0 when list of numbers is empty', () => {
spectator = createPipe({
hostProps: {
prop: []
it('should delegate the calculation to the service', () => {
const avg = () => 42;
const provider = { provide: StatsService, useValue: { avg } };
spectator = createPipe({
providers: [provider]