Testing Directives

There is a special test factory for testing directives. Let's say we have the following directive:

@Directive({ selector: '[highlight]' })
export class HighlightDirective {
@HostBinding('style.background-color') backgroundColor : string;
onHover() {
this.backgroundColor = '#000000';
onLeave() {
this.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';

Let's see how we can test directives easily with Spectator:

describe('HighlightDirective', () => {
let spectator: SpectatorDirective<HighlightDirective>;
const createDirective = createDirectiveFactory(HighlightDirective);
beforeEach(() => {
spectator = createDirective(`<div highlight>Testing Highlight Directive</div>`);
it('should change the background color', () => {
spectator.dispatchMouseEvent(spectator.element, 'mouseover');
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.1)'
spectator.dispatchMouseEvent(spectator.element, 'mouseout');
backgroundColor: '#fff'
it('should get the instance', () => {
const instance = spectator.directive;

Setting factory defaults

It is also possible to set a default template when creating the factory. Here is an example:

describe('DirectiveProviderDirective', () => {
const createDirective = createDirectiveFactory({
directive: HighlightDirective,
template: `<div class="default" directiveProvider>Testing Directive Providers</div>`
it('should get the instance', () => {
const spectator = createDirective();
const instance = spectator.directive;