Testing With Routing

For components which use routing, there is a special factory available that extends the default one, and provides a stubbed ActivatedRoute so that you can configure additional routing options.

describe('ProductDetailsComponent', () => {
let spectator: SpectatorRouting<ProductDetailsComponent>;
const createComponent = createRoutingFactory({
component: ProductDetailsComponent,
params: { productId: '3' },
data: { title: 'Some title' }
beforeEach(() => spectator = createComponent());
it('should display route data title', () => {
expect(spectator.query('.title')).toHaveText('Some title');
it('should react to route changes', () => {
spectator.setRouteParam('productId', '5');
// your test here...

Triggering a navigation

The SpectatorRouting API includes convenient methods for updating the current route:

interface SpectatorRouting<C> extends Spectator<C> {
* Simulates a route navigation by updating the Params, QueryParams and Data observable streams.
triggerNavigation(options?: RouteOptions): void;
* Updates the route params and triggers a route navigation.
setRouteParam(name: string, value: string): void;
* Updates the route query params and triggers a route navigation.
setRouteQueryParam(name: string, value: string): void;
* Updates the route data and triggers a route navigation.
setRouteData(name: string, value: string): void;
* Updates the route fragment and triggers a route navigation.
setRouteFragment(fragment: string | null): void;

Integration testing with RouterTestingModule

If you set the stubsEnabled option to false, you can pass a real routing configuration and setup an integration test using the RouterTestingModule from Angular.

Note that this requires promises to resolve. One way to deal with this, is by making your test async:

describe('Routing integration test', () => {
const createComponent = createRoutingFactory({
component: MyComponent,
declarations: [OtherComponent],
stubsEnabled: false,
routes: [
path: '',
component: MyComponent
path: 'foo',
component: OtherComponent
it('should navigate away using router link', async () => {
const spectator = createComponent();
// wait for promises to resolve...
await spectator.fixture.whenStable();
// test the current route by asserting the location
// click on a router link
// don't forget to wait for promises to resolve...
await spectator.fixture.whenStable();
// test the new route by asserting the location

Routing Options

The createRoutesFactory function can take the following options, on top of the default Spectator options:

  • params: initial params to use in ActivatedRoute stub
  • queryParams: initial query params to use in ActivatedRoute stub
  • data: initial data to use in ActivatedRoute stub
  • url: initial URL segments to use in ActivatedRoute stub
  • root: the value for root for the ActivatedRoute stub
  • parent: the value for parent for the ActivatedRoute stub
  • children: the value for children for the ActivatedRoute stub
  • firstChild: the value for firstChild for the ActivatedRoute stub
  • fragment: initial fragment to use in ActivatedRoute stub
  • stubsEnabled (default: true): enables the ActivatedRoute stub, if set to false it uses RouterTestingModule instead
  • routes: if stubsEnabled is set to false, you can pass a Routes configuration for RouterTestingModule